Sunday, August 23, 2009


I'll just admit now that I will probably get in trouble with a Dr. (Veterinary), son & Nurse, granddaughter doing this entry but just wait till they get old. If the medicine prices keep going up I don't know how anyone will be able to afford medicine!!!

Last winter I started having "cold sores" on my lip, that is what my mom (would have been 100 this year) called them. I never once actually had a cold. Mom had them alot when I was a kid. I think they call it "Herpes" (different germ than vaginal) on your lips or side of nose now. They start with a tingle, then blister, then scab which will then look unsightly for two weeks. After several of them in a row I finally went to my doctor. He prescribed a medicine & when I got it at the drug store was $40 and using it 3 times a day barely lasted 2 weeks which is how long it still took to get rid of it. Next one I called him and he prescribed another medicine that cost $50 and was the same size tiny little bottle and lasted the 2 weeks. Both sores would have lasted that long if I had done nothing. I was exasperated!!!!! Two weeks later we happened to be in Walgreen's getting a toothbrush and I noticed a bottle of "Ambesol" for $2.97. I didn't know they still made it. Mom always used it for any mouth sores. I bought it and the first tingle I felt on my lip I put it on. Using it 3 times that day just like the prescribed ones. It never did form a blister so I never did have a scab. It just never developed!! I have had a couple times since that I felt that old familiar tingle and immediately grabbed the good old faithful bottle and that was it. Nothing! I have not had another one since I bought that bottle which I still have 3/4's left and have used it a couple times for a gum sore in my mouth. I am so tired of the Drug Companies prices and actions. Like, take the same product and add another ingredient so they can now call it something else and do numerous TV adds and claim it's a cure all with the price being enormous. I have yet to go to the doctor that there isn't a drug salesman setting there with his case waiting to tell my doctor how great his drugs are and we the sick people can hardly get in to see a doctor his time is so busy. I do not get any royalty from any medicine co. by the way for mentioning some of the old tryed and true that has worked for years and would really like people to add to this list with with a reply.

Cold - 1 Tab. each of Whiskey & honey mixed together (my dad's remedy)

Urinary Infection - 1 tsp cinnamon & 1 Tab. honey (and it is delicious on Milk Toast) once a week. I've been told drinking 1/2 cup Cranberry juice everyday will keep you from getting it also.

Poison Ivy - cover with egg whites

I'm not making any promises on these but you might want to give them a try. They don't cost much.