Sunday, May 30, 2010

MY 75th BIRTHDAY - Born May 28, 1935

I had so much fun yesterday. I had planned my own birthday party. Haven't had one since mom threw me a surprise sweet sixteen party (I wrecked the car coming home from a friend that afternoon) & it was that night with all my classmates. Outside in the front yard. We danced and had such fun.

Well, the one I planned yesterday was at the ZOO. Guests were my family (kids & mates, grandkids & mates & 7 little great grandkids 5 years down to a few months). 32 total. What fun!! We started with the early arrivals playing on the toys by the train. Then we all rode the train. On to the zoo seeing all the animals and spending time with them. Lena, the Oranutang was on display inside, up on the shelf by the window with Mawa the male. When I called her name she came down the ladder, climbed the limb up to be eye level with me and put on a show. 4 years ago when we moved to Topeka, KS. They had a "walk on the wild side" sponsored by the local hospital. When we showed up they took our blood pressure, etc. etc. Then led us around the 1/2 mile around the zoo. What a great place to get excercise for $25 dollars a year and you can go anytime and what entertainment while you do. I try to walk 3 times a week weather permitting (bad back) and have a parrot that whistles with me in the rain forest. The zoo had adopt an animal for $20 to make money for the zoo a couple years back and I adopted Lena, the Oranutang that always entertains me with kisses on the other side of the glass. I love playing with her and wish I could give her a great big hug. I had rented the big Gary Clarke's Educational Building from 3pm -5-pm. Abouds catered us a wonderful Sandwich & salad bar..The zoo provided a cupcake cake with Lena's picture on it, ice cream cups & juicy juices with the cost of the bldg. Then the real hoot. I met Scott & Nikki Lewien somewhere and kept their business card. They bring a large booth with chairs & all kinds of silly stuff, crazy hats, feather boa's, etc. etc. (Remember the booth in the Woolworth stores that you put a quarter in and it gave you a strip of pictures?) Several can get in the booth if you want too and do silly faces, crazy hats, etc. and each person in the picture gets a string of pictures and one for the birthday girl that goes into a photo album that everyone writes silly stuff in. I've never had so much fun. Some of my family came along way (South Dakota, Colorado, other side of Missouri) to be there which I really appreciated especially since it's Memorial Weekend. I think I might take a nap this afternoon. Hope I don't get Alzheimers soon so I can remember this fun party a long time.

1 comment:

  1. Grandma, it was a great party! The little cousins all had so much fun playing together, and looking at the zoo animals. We older cousins always cherish the times we can reconnect with aunts, uncles, and each other. Such a wonderful way to celebrate your birthday. Thanks.
    (I didn't mention it above, but I hope it goes without saying that we always love spending time with you and Grandpa too!) ;)
