Saturday, September 26, 2009

Posting a note to me on the Blog

I'm having people tell me they are having trouble responding to my Blogs. I tryed it myself this morning before I wrote this to make sure I can answer it. I answered the Space Center Houston (last) Blog. It's posted at the bottom of that Blog. I have several relatives that have responded but no one else. Anyone else out there reading my boring life? I will try to help you understand how to make a comment. If you notice below my Blogs is a place you can check if you thinks its funny, interesting, cool, but it also says 0 comments with a line under it (right after time posted). Click on that line and up will come a white box about 3" X 2". Type in that what you want to say and BELOW your comments is a gray box that says, Post Comment. Click on that box and your comment will be posted so I can read it. I love seeing a comment. It makes me feel like someone is out there reading what I write. The 0 comments with line under it can have any number in front of it if there are other comments but there is always room for one more. And as they say "the more the merrier". I also want to mention that with Blogs the last thing I write (like this) is at the top. SO if I am telling a story go clear to the bottom to start at the beginning. Over to the right lists the months of the year. Click on a month and everything I wrote that month will come up for you to read. Hope you have alot of time. I get pretty "gabby". If you still can't do it don't feel bad I had to learn about these Blogs myself. Our library started one on me and I didn't even know what it was. They have 3 girls in a big Van come twice a month at the complex where we live and I'm always telling them stories and teasing them so they took my picture (without my knowing it) and started the 1st blog on me. If you want recipes & stories just click on this (on the left side) is Senior Services and there I am. Go to the bottom of those stories and choose Last which should take you to the 1st story they put in about the squirrels then work yourself back to the last entry I made at the top. Again on the right side lists all the entries that you can click on to get to where you want to go. Hope that makes sense to you. Have a good week. Jeanette

Saturday, September 19, 2009

"Space Center Houston" NASA Visitor Center

Thanks to a hometown boy visiting relatives at home. He asked when we were coming to Houston, TX. where he now lives. We said, where can we work? His reply was NASA! I sent off an update of our resume' and that's where we worked that winter. I don't know if I've told you that the resume's I did for us (with the help of a daughter & daughter in law) was a simple 1 page on the computer about our life before retirement with a space for Part-Time Seasonal above so each time we came home I could easily add at the top the last place we worked. A cover letter with both our names on it, told the kind of work we did that. I would add the last job at the top of the others when I added the last work place. It worked great. Easy for them to read what we'd done when they have 100's of applications to read. We were hired everywhere we applied. Their visitors center "Space Center Houston" is full of theatre's, rides, etc. that is all about space. As a worker there, you move from one to the other as you work. That allows lunch & breaks. The hard part was learning the introductions you say at each work station. When an employee shows up at your work station you move on to the next and what ever time you get there till you are bumped again you say what you are supposed to. In other words if you arrive at a theatre as it is starting you will give the introduction to that movie. If you arrive in the middle you sit down & enjoy the show. If you are still there at the end or arrive at the end you will give the exit. You move on to the next which may be a ride that makes you feel like you are in space and that of course has an introduction. This all works very well and you get to do a variety of things each day you work. There is no charges for anything in the Center for the guests. They just go from one thing to another like the workers do. They have a tram tour that you actually go into NASA. We were fortunate enough to be there when a crew came home from space. They will have a night that all their families & workers can come and they stand on the stage in front of you and tell about their trip and answer questions from the audience. Sign autographs afterwards. What a thrill!! We found a campground near the Center which is between Houston & Galveston. Galveston has a Marti Gra when New Orleans does and it is fun. Most of the people we worked with were young people and when they found out we were planning to go (just like everywhere) they treated us like Grandma & Grandpa telling us where to park near the end of the parade & as soon as it ends to get to our car and get out of there. They told us it gets wild after the parade. We did as we were told but hard telling all the fun things we could have gotten ourselves into. We didn't hear anything bad on the news the next day. We did come away with several Marti Gra necklaces my husband caught when they thew them off the floats passing by. It was a wonderful winter and again we only worked a few days with lots of time to see the area while we were there. Jeanette

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Working part time at Disney World

If you would like to go south and spend the winter working a couple days a week this is a good time to check with them. We had two delightful winters working there. We were the fill in's for the full time workers that need sick leave & their days off. You will get a weeks training about Disney & how you are expected to work when you work for them. Everything I was taught I agreed with completely!! If you work in a gift shop (Merchantainment) the people that come in are guests not customers (customers implies that you expect them to buy something). The guest is to enjoy their visit to your store. If you aren't straightening up or replacing merchanise you are helping make the guests in the store feel welcome. NOT visiting with your fellow employees or standing behind the cash register. When you see someone pick up something and start towards the cash register that is when you go to the register and help them. One day I heard something crash. Looking where I heard the sound I saw a little 2 or 3 yr. old girl with huge eyes & scared. I rushed over to her getting there a few seconds before Mom. I asked the little girl, " If that mean old music box (little wooden piano) hurt her?" I said, "We've been having trouble with it jumping off the shelf". At the same time looking up at Mom and with a smile said, "We don't have a problem here". Letting her face relax from that terrible frown and her thoughts of what am I going to have to pay for now. It wouldn't have been down low at her height if it was terribly expensive or glass. Disney takes the loss not the guest. When you arrive to work you go to wardrobe which is "off stage." The other side of the wall where the guests are is called "on stage." You will know where you will work that day so you pick up the costume you wear at that job already washed & pressed ready to wear in your size. At the end of the shift you put your clothes on and drop off what you wore that day. The next time wherever you work a clean pressed costume is waiting for you. How great is that? We worked at several different shops on the same street. Wherever they needed help that day. Once you step on the guests side you are a Disney employee. If someone left litter on the street, you pick it up. If a little kid spilled their popcorn or dropped their ice cream cone you go to the vendor & wearing your uniform replace it for them free. When you are hired you will get an ID card (like a driver's license) that will let you into any of the 4 Disney's parks anytime you want to go. Take that card to Property Control at least once a week for bargains. Walt Disney planned his parks for kids enjoyment and doesn't want a kid to cry while they are there if he can help it.